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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  September 24, 2010 3:00am-5:00am PST

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today is breezy but it won't stop us from being warm. look dead saturday and sunday. fifth for his great barbecue in leather. hough rate in the center of your screen let's talk about the warriors' new head coach. he will offer his condolences to those left displaced from the san bruno blast. he will talk to a family
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at the veterans memorial recreation center about how to rebound and rebuild. if you're wondering why he's a new head coach of the warriors it's because it's the end of an you're. don nelson is about to resign as head coach. it has financed talking all around the bay area. >> sources say the announcement will be made at the start of the training camp next week fans we spoke to respect nelson but say it's time the warriors had new leadership. >> i think it's a good think i think it's about time. he didn't emphasize defense. >> it could be a blessing in disguise in the 90's he had it there but he lot slip through its lenders. >> it is time for him to step
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aside there is a new regime coming in but he served the purpose while he reinvigorated stance. >> it's a good thing they needed change. >> the oakland warriors they will be a much better team. nelson's a good coach but the tactics he uses played out in the '70s-'80s. >> nelson had been head coach since 2006 and led them to the playoffs in 2007. it was their first appearance since 1994. federal judge in san diego is expected to decide today whether to issue an injunction against a policy that does not allow gays to openly serve in the military. earlier this month a judge ruled that ruled on the do not
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tell do not ask and said it was unconstitutional. president barack obama said he it challenged congress. the associated press finds americans feel the same way about democrats as they do about republicans and they don't like you there. 60 percent people disapprove of the democrats doing 60 percent frown on how republicans perform 59 are unhappy about how they're handling the economy 64 percent are upset about the gop's work on the country's top issues. have have unfavorable views of the party despite the weak report card it is divided evenly over which party they support. market headline start parks stock prices are low head the dow fell yesterday 77 points
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that and the s&p was down nine points. new-home sales for august and analysts are looking for an increase on the heels of our rise firm reported sales of previously owned homes. nike's earnings rose 9% they earned get 559 million. çtopped expectatis oracle ceo says the company will not follow the hottest trends buying service companies. ellison's comment were made was made during the conference in san francisco. coming up weather and traffic we will be
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[ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. welcome back to kron 4 morning news care ready for a nice day today warming up more than we did yesterday clear shot of the golden gate bridge not looking
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at the fog in san francisco temperatures upper 50s 57 for san francisco by los '70s and topping it go into the upper 70's so pleasant conditions even in san francisco: it back down the upper 60s by the o'clock hour. elsewhere: santa rosa 49 degrees may be patchy fog up and his santa rosa but elsewhere should stay clear 53 napa 57 he word and concord south bay low the upper 50s 57 in three san jose. by 10:00 hour we will warming up and we could see some '70s by as early as 10:00 a.m.. big difference from yesterday by noontime the corn shows as the '80s even more than that bringing '90s into the picture by for p.m. we could seize the 90s through the delta and the warmer locations today in through the livermore valley and
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here's a look at some of your numbers getting into the 80s and said rosa close to 9089 degrees, 87 through napa of their field low 90s 91 morgan held. your 7 day around the bay continues to show warming trend toward through the weekend much warmer this weekend when the of sunshine by the time we get monday we could squeeze out triple digits. >> we have an early morning hot spot in vallejo the westbound 80 ram shutdown currently as well as the eastbound 37 that is close right now traffic moving fine just past the scene right now they're not too many cars outside but chp says it will be until about 6:00 a.m. this morning it could develop into a bigger problem as the commute continues. bridge check though
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no problems at the bay bridge toll plaza traffic moving well from all approaches headed westbound towards the city no construction so keeping that very good drive times for you about eight minutes. if you're thinking about taking san mateo bridge no problems here moving well in both directions tracking about an ideal drive time of 13 minutes wraping up with the golden gate bridge just a few cars on right now for your south bound ride novato in to san francisco 22 minute trip right now on highway 37 clocking in at 8 minutes. >> new details on the clipboard curd kulich we told about the flaw that allows computers to slip through the gates without paying. they're designed to open automatically with the motion sensor when a person exits but the center can be activated with a wave of the hand that is not
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the only problem with the new system stanley roberts found out this morning in this edition of people behaving badly. >>how does this thing work? >> i told you about the glitches with muni's 30 million dollar clipper system. things like a simple wave of the hand anyone can access muni trains without the use of a clipper card, or fast pass. there is also the door opening glitch, where the gates get confused and stay opened allowing anyone access for free. now i have received new information regarding city wide problems related to the new clipper system. over at embarcadero station, one person using a fast pass can allow unlimited people to pass through the gates. over at pal station there has been complaints that the brand new gates got out of service often. it is a problem at castro as well because i found caution tape at the ready when the gates go down, and this gate #71-02 at castro station has gone down three different times on the
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same day. at the church street the gates opening and closing too slowly frustrate many riders. clipper has supplied this 866 number to station agents for any and all problems with the new fare gates. except the phone only works between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. monday through friday, and 6:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. on weekends, because we all know the clipper system never breaks down after- hours. and no one will answer the help desk if they are at lunch. something else i noticed. there are absolutely no exit signs so when riders try to leave the station, they get confused. i know as muni said with every system there will be some glitches. but $30 million, really. >> this thing is retarded. >> in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news.
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we showed you mean new writers seem to have problems getting used as a system. jonathan blum went out to see what they thought about it. >> muni riders are getting more and more frustrated. many know how easy it is to wave your hand and ride for free but suppose you actually want pay riders say that's where it gets difficult. >> it's not efficient. >> you better recharge the cards it's ridiculous. >> it doesn't seem to work and i'm trying to get somewhere. >> it said $2 and another screen said to 25 i didn't have the quarter ended bust of the debit card. >> i was trying to get a >> $4 round >> nobody is willing to help. you walk up to the ages and ages shake their head it's not fun.
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>> i had $2 in quarters which is what i thought i had to do but actually had to work wait a different line and i've been waiting here five minutes. >> use this one this one will work. yes!. >> i know been is to be fixed but it's frustrating. but what some new its many. >> this is supposed to make it harder to achieve any easier to pay but apparently were not here yet. some riders were taking advantage of this date that was left open and unattended. >> president barack obama wraps up meetings today from leaders of from around the world at the united nations world summit. he
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was one of the first to speak yesterday speaking about peace between israel and pakistan. and in talked about improving the global economy. >> america has joined to spur growth and renewed demand they can restart job creation. we are reforming global finance. beginning with wall street reform. here at home. so a crisis like this never happens again. >> u.s. officials walked out of the speech yesterday by the iranian president commented on the terror attacks. there has been speculation americans were behind the attacks. in other news the president of chiron is getting requests from sarah short for more than a year. wants to meet the president while he's in new york you c
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grad student was freed from that iranian president on a bill earlier this month she was captured along with your fiancee shame of our and their friend while hiking near the border. >> coming up on world news the w3latest on the card glitch ande will talk about whether it will be hot today is well as this weekend great barbequing whether keep in mind is breezy out there you concede all the glory waving back-and-forth but out there you concede all the glory waving back-and-forth but it is comfortable now. name is quinn, and this is my eggo. out there you concede all the glory waving back-and-forth but it is comfortable now. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car.
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[ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo.
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and welcome back as quick bridge check here is the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic moving just fine no problems no construction going on on the bay bridge heading from east to west. just fine be careful not to speed chp is out there. the golden gate bridge i don't see any cars right now. it is the best commute's so far in the bay area. because you'll be all alone on the road. national knows in minnesota not enjoying their whether more flooding could be on the way for parts of the upper midwest. you can see they are desperately trying to make sure their home survived the heavy rainfall that caused
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flooding in that area. the rain has flooded homes cornfields and businesses. they evacuated hundreds of homes in arcadia 100 mi. from minneapolis. they delivered thousands of hasan begs to the worst areas. george j. georgina has flooded southern arizona. the storm is travelling towards mexico's coast forecasters expected to weaken as the move. the first woman in five years has been executed. she was convicted of arranging the murder of her husband and stepson over insurance. both the gunmen were sends to life in prison one committing suicide. there were 7000 pleas to stop
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the execution date slam she lacked the knowledge and she was manipulated by one of the gunmen. one of the most popular singers has died and the fisher died wednesday at his home in berkeley of complications from hip surgery. he may be best remembered for his celebrity marriages. debbie reynolds in 1955, elizabeth taylor, connie stevens, and two other women he has four children including carrie fisher. you'll know her as princess leah. call there is going to testify today on the farm workers. " they're spending a day picking crops after accepting a challenge from mark wrote immigration group. the challenge to debunk the theory that immigrants are taking jobs
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that americans would do. it shows him packing corn and picking beans on a farm. coming right back with more including a picking beans on a farm. coming right back with more including a full weather update.
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the golden gate bridge a lot of problems getting a around the bay. it is nice no fog in the area probably no fog anywhere because it will be beautiful but don't take my word for >> this is the days you wanna be a weather person because forecast is so nice. we warming up today continuing through the weekend in fact it's a warmer weekend triple digits in store for next week. fall begins inverness summerlike temperatures. a look at
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temperatures sitting in the '50s, warmer than that in oakland into the upper 50s 57 for a word in concord assume it her way through the day 10:00 we are starting to get temperatures in the '60s and '70s by noontime we could work her way into the '80s. then by about 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. the red indicating '90s. '90s into the forecast for today in terms of the north bay it looks like we are more to get close to it but getting up to 89 for san rows that check out fairfield and concord. keeping it in the '80s through vallejo enrichment. down around the bay we will keep those temperatures in the '80s really comfortable weather. south bay about 86 for san jose 83 mountain view starting to warm up around the coast up to
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70. beach weather for the weekend plenty of sunshine clear conditions much warmer those inland spots getting into the upper 90s eighties around the bay '70s for the coast and a hot day on tap for monday. various temperatures of 501. for 30 2:00 a.m. a check gone commute. >> in vallejo and overturned vehicles was down 80 ramps that is close right now as well as eastbound 37 connector ramp to columbus chp giving as an estimated time of 6:00 a.m. no back up in the area but we are tracking this and we will have a live report from the scene coming up. untether bay area traffic no problems at the bay bridge toll plaza traffic moving fine headed into the city no sense of over night construction keeping very good drive times eight minutes into fremont
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street san francisco. taking this san mateo bridge no problems here in either direction traffic moving at the limit. still quiet at the golden gate bridge just a couple of cars on the bridge for your sound right. no problems to report. westbound 80 the up very short freeway bit more company on the roadways been no problems. here ride just past golden gate fields is about 50 minute ride. >> toward developing story gas line explosion in san bruno the house is expected to vote today on a bill that would require energy industries to report oil spills gas leaks and other incidents within an hour of that happening. officials say they need more time than that and the rush could mean more false
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alarms. it is under scrutiny after the explosion and an oil spill in michigan. they will vote on the notification requirement later today. crews will be a today taking on the monumental task of cleaning up this san bruno neighborhood where the explosion destroyed dozens of homes and killed seven people during as christine shows us cruise began removing shows a family vehicles yesterday. >> they both hold out some of the burned out cars here you concede that excavators they brought into the fire zone to clear of the debris. house officials worry that the ash could be laced with toxic chemicals so they are taking a lot of precautions. they're digging through the rubber rubble wearing suits and reps to carry it is wrapped in plastic and a tarp is put on the truck to keep the dust from flying into the air. supervisor
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says it's a constant battle. >> t the constant battle is wind without major what we're doing here would not. it helps bring down the moisture and the dust in that way you're not caring the best for the community. >> they're pouring water on their debris as the added precaution. they have cars on site in in the neighborhood monitoring air quality. the process will take anywhere from three-four weeks once they're done residents will begin a clean slate they will be given a certification once this debris is taken away. >> a panel will be set up to investigate the factors leading up to the gas line explosion california public utility commission is calling for a review of management practices to see if anything could have been done to prevent the
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disaster. they are pressing pg&e to cover the cost of the panel's work. a memorial service will be had some held today for the three members of the family who died in the fire. 17 year-old williams, his father, along with gregory's mother were three of the seven people who died in the explosion and fire. it will be held at 4:00 p.m. at the presbyterian church in early gains that will be held by a reception at the mills high- school in millbrae where william had distorted his senior year. stay tuned for continuing coverage you can also get to our web site where we have comprehensive coverage on our special section. a judge's and was they will make a decision on whether not to resume executions in our states after five years.
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st. witten says its recently refurbished death chamber will be ready next week for an execution. if the judge lifts the four year moratorium. video taken this week albert green would brown is scheduled to die by lethal injection next wednesday for the 1980 rape and murder of a 15 year-old riverside grow. uc-berkeley will be cutting jobs. the cables will cut 200 jobs next year consulting firm hired to help save money concluded there's too many managers. they could save 20 million by laying off and retiring. they have arctic at 600 jobs last year to give as good for the save about $20 million. details on the budget battle the governor's office has announced it is closer to an agreement with state lawmakers
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to close the budget deficit. that after six hours of talks yesterday this is the 86 day they have been working without a budget. it marks along this the state has ever gone into fiscal year without an improved spending plan. both sides say they will work through the weekend. today marks another furlough friday for 150,000 steelworkers dmv will be closed as well as other state officers including the department of health. they save about $150 million a month for the state the supreme court is allowing furloughs will review is whether the governor has the authority to mandate them. a new poll shows the race for governor is tied with just six weeks to go before election day. according to a field full democrat jerry brown and meg whitman has fox, a
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41% but 18 percent are still undecided. coming up we have a full report of whether and the hot spot in vallejo. before we enter her let's get to the james lick no problem in that area if you need to get through.
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if let me give will look at the next seven days a lot of sun. lookit the weekend saturday, sunday 97 inland bust out the barbecue grill and the suntan lotion because it will be very hot. also short's not a bad idea. in a bottle of a teen who died in an article bill accident last week is being remembered
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appeared at a vigil was held last night for isaac ridgy kumar tells us how the community is remembering. >> the 15 year-old that was killed and last week's accident was held at this church in the bottle. he was the only ones killed and said that the m w. the team driver of the car has been arrested and charged with vehicular manslaughter of the slaughter while intoxicated. the driver's name has not been released because he is a minor will make his appearance september 30th. the funeral is scheduled for this morning at 11:00 a.m.. in novato and bridget carr, who mark kron 4 news. >> the 16 year-old who was behind the wheel will face charges as a juvenile. the team
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is charged with vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and felony the you why. he will appear in court next week because of his age his name is not being released if convicted he may go to jail until he is 18 years old. san jose agency is falling on hard time the agency laid off 20% of its staff as rubber reports that means fewer dollars for the your projects. >> this is a tough economy right now. >> from city hall redevelopment pointed out several projects for which there will be no funding any time soon. >> all large list of projects we cartel that. street improvement projects downtown we will not do. we cut back on staffing.
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we've cut 14 positions this year on top of 25 positions last year. >> falling tax revenues and the loss of millions the layoffs mean the brand new community center opening this weekend will be the last built-in set was a for many years to come. >> we hope as the economy improves. we're looking at review sources may be selling land there's a lot of things we are trying to do to make up of basically things will get pushed out. >> redevelopment include the museum of art's the tax center the fox theater and systems. >> they plan to redirect their resources to big-ticket resources like the baseball stadium. in san jose kron 4 news. >> coming up will share your
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report on area roads and just how bad they are before i get to that story let's head outside and show you albany traffic picking opera's but still not a problem as ours that areas concerned. an area of concern is vallejo we are following the situation on 80 on an on ramp. a live report a few moments when we come back.
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welcome back happy friday. and i stay out side we will continue with the warming trend for the weekend. let the 7% francisco currently by noontime will '70s and a high today of 78. your we
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can forecast breezy today about warmer but we are jumping into low 90s. the locations will see the dramatic increase in temperatures but the bay will see nice mothers as well low to mid-80s rid the weekend by the end of the weekend upper 90s. '70s around the coast. we will warm up quickly today so by 10:00 hour bring the '60s, '70s by noon we should start to see eighties the red which tells us there's '90s that's moving back into the area had been in the afternoon. starting to warm up nicely here look at the numbers. upper 80s for rosa parks, 90s in sonoma and fairfield, along the peninsula '60s and '70s around the coast despite temperatures
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from '70s up into the mid '80s down in hayward and union city. those inland spots bring in those nineties today mainly low 90s but we will warming up towards the weekend here's a look i air temperatures in the south bay 86 for san clara san jose could bring in low 90s for los gatos and morgan hill. check out monday hottest day of the week bringing us triple digits. hard to believe because it is fall. >> overturn a vehicle in vallejo is causing closures for your commute. westbound 80 and the ramp is currently shut down right now chp and emergency crews remain on seen as well as the eastbound 37 connector ramp. hopefully these ramps will reopen by 6:00 a.m. that's what
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they're estimating right now not a hot spot yet the we are tracking this for the morning. a live report in the next hour. barry r. rhodes and bridges the bay bridge toll plaza traffic building just a bit but still moving well want to make your way past a pay gates nice and easy ride no over night construction in minutes from the foot of the maze towards fremont street san francisco. san mateo ride highway 92 moving well in both directions tracking about 13 minutes across the span. quiet at the golden gate bridge traffic moving at the limit for your southbound new a look at the james lick crosstown traffic making your way southbound toward the peninsula delay free ride rain now. >> bay area roads are among the worst in the nation according to
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road to report from national transportation silicon valley road were ranked as the worst in the nation with 64 percent considered to be important mission. concord was ranked fourth followed by a concord. as jeff bush shows us, court does not agree with the steady. >> city officials say the next time the authors list concorde as bad they should stop and take a look around. >> the streets are a good straight shape. >> bacharach's are to come by the much less the pot will. there's a challenge for anyone who finds one. >> if you find one gives us a call. >> the report is inaccurate concords ranking on a list is due to the condition of the highway this around concord and the city says that's unfair because concord has no influence
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on the highway. that's is up to caltrans. city leaders were miffed about the report and wanted to set the record straight. they spend $4 billion on road every year. and that the road our pride for of people responsible for keeping them up. they are mad about the report but did point out a transportation committee that listed concord roads as the best in the area. >> a new ferry terminal in south san francisco will cars has drenched the harbor and moved votes in preparation for the terminal construction is expected within the next few months and the terminal could be open by next fall. if you like having a glass of wine there may be another way to have it from home. tech reporter tells us
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how a new device is hitting the market. >> talk about the ultimate gadget a big model wide class >> we are doing something like traditional putting of spin on it. >> it is anywhere near home. >> it on have to have responsible which rain you how to make wine the methods and practice. we train to smell and taste the wine. >> you basically toss everything into the pot and let it do its work. >> toward traditional wine making were not doing anything short cutting one process this is the process you would use if your >> wine >> is controlled by software you run your >> >> if you're step-by-step instructions software will guide to based on the progress of your
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fermentation it will say what the next step is. ultimately the goal is to make those decisions yourself. >> it takes 30 days to cycle through a process that yields about 50 bottles. it's about $4,500 the company says the quality can rival a winery. these pods are sold out and back ordered by about six months. for more affirmation log on to kron 4 and look for my check page. >> i'm curious where did you get the grapes. craig server thing when it comes to wine making. dubai them from the supermarket? we will be back the situation at a vallejo where there's a potential hot spot a live report in just a few moments. allied look at the
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conditions in san francisco. the wind is starting to die down and just a bit i can tell you it will be a warm 4-5 days. this full report
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for today we could get into low 90s. green yes to the upper 90s sunday and 100 degrees by monday. by the coast in the '70s through the weekend. we could get in to 90 in sonoma and fairfield is well along the peninsula 78 degrees of close to 80 not quite there for san
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francisco but we could see eighties from san bruno. is bay 78 through berkeley. chester valley 87 degrees these are the villains bot's bringing temperatures and to a low 90s 92 is a common no. 3 san ramon valley. temperatures into the '80s may be '90s heading to los gatos. much former forecast for the weekend plenty of sunshine clear skies out there absolutely beach weather and by monday we might have to look for fire concerns because of dry conditions and high temperatures monday keeping a warm through next week to allow wednesday or thursday temperatures drop off by 10 degrees or so. back down into the 80s in the warmer spots. >> the local celebration for the world famous festival kicked off
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last night this is preparation for the octoberfest by the day. all weekend long festival goers can enjoy a german beer and music and food. we spoke to organizers to find out what people can expect? >> experience everything we have professional dancers every couple of hours you will see all the music the best food the best desserts incredible beer we bring everything from germany. >> oktoberfest celebrations will last through sunday. it gained in thinly by stealing arms appeared the bandits return for free drinks. team doctor take emboldened by of all strolled the arm of the manikin as the beer was slowing harrowing
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stories were exchanged as legend has it to the bandits with announcers and bartenders in pursuit made their escape to the st. francis hotel. the latest on this san bruno gas line explosion what is happening in washington today that could affect how divergencies are handled in the future. a potential hot spot a bigger ride in the late gulf the honorarium. underneath a seems to be blocked off for maybe another hour or so. paul live report in just about two minutes.
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kron 4 is sponsored by honda top stories crews continued to remove debris in this san bruno neighborhood after the gas line explosion appeared what the house will be doing this morning
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in response we will have that coming up. a judge to decide today on whether not to resume executions in california after nearly five years. lawmakers closer to closing the budget deficit talking about that as well as furlough friday's more on these top stories in a moment of first but see hot temperatures today and throughout the weekend with louisa. >> happy friday and the temperatures this weekend will make us happy. jumping up and to the low nineties for today much warmer and a bit breezy into the afternoon keeping temperatures into the 80s '60s around the coast as we make our way through the weekend we continue to warm up bringing us upper 90s for your saturday, sunday plenty of sunshine out there blue skies temperatures into the 80s around the bay and certainly beach weather. 10:00 hour shows is how quickly will warm up today
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staying in the '60s even stay into the '70s. by about noontime wish to warming up into the '70s even some eighties as well then by the afternoon we should bring in some '90s into the picture. not widespread but inland location should get up into the 90s today. yet the upper 80s in places like santa rosa, run the park. 93 sonoma seen through a fair forum fairfield and mill valley. along the peninsula warming up to the upper 70's and from san bruno all the way down to palo alto temperatures in the low 80s. oakland said 82 warming them up into the mid-80s in fremont and union city. inland spots into the '90s 94 pittsburgh, 92 antioch, south bay, after all is well '80s and even some '90s.ç 7 day around e bay warming as wl!plenty of sunshine and hot by monday.
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>> following a developing story out of the l.a. how it is hot spot. it is taking place right now and overturned a big rig chp is there is happening underneath a freeway highway 80. jackie's this bill is there to tell us what is being done to clear this area. >> good morning well been a drag caring sod was westbound 80 exited columbus right here speed and running a stop sign send him into the underpassw3 spilling hs load as billing his load. the truck has been flipped over they are starting to remove thet( sod this may be closed for another hour, hour-and-a-half it is
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80 is closed but also ease down 37 to columbus parkway is also shut down so he have to use either one of those exits inmate tried to find another opportunity to get to eastbound vallejo.çnbfá >> is a truck ok? or do they need to bring out a big rig to remove it? >> they have some records out here they will be able to drag this thing out of here so you can see it's on its wheels. they will be allowed to dry get out of here the driver suffered only minor injuries. he was transported hospital with minor injuries. >> ok that is good news. live pictures of the overturned by greg we will have more coverage of that situation through the morning. >> tracking not hot spot from
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their perspective on our maps the westbound 80 ramped to eastbound columbus currently shut down right now as well as ease down 37 so you definitely will have to find alternatives around the scene. it is not causing a back up but out of the ordinary conditions. chp has an estimated time of opening of 6:00 a.m.. we will keep you updated as new wares on appeared at their traffic no problems at the toll plaza traffic moving well from 580, 80 headed westbound towards the city meter and lights are off right now so eight minutes from the foot of the maze towards inferences ghost fremont street. no problems for your right to present detailed 92 moving well in both directions across the span taillights headed the commute direction right now the
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bright lights is bounded to hayward. drive time of about 13 minutes across the span. wrapping up with a look at the golden gate bridge no problems for yourself bound ride from novato into city limits 22 minutes rain now 37 on the east bay clocking in at 8 minutes. >> big story we have been falling at a sambar no new details on a possible cause of the gas line explosion chronicle's reporting micro gases may have sped up corrosion on the gas line running from san francisco to milpitas including the portion that ran through the san bruno neighborhood. this directive might microbes can lie dormant for years before springing to life and going to work on the metal. crews will continue to clear the debris
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this is video of some of the clean up that took place over last couple of days any harmful ash ore dust has been wrapped in plastic and all the way rain now careers are focusing on homes on claremont and earl. the homeowners have allowed the county to handle the cleanup. it will cost between 1.7 $2 million. the media will get the tour of the homes that was destroyed by the blast. a memorial service will be held for the three family members who died in the fire. 17 year-old william and his father gregory along with gregory's mother or three of the seven people who died in the explosion and fire. thought
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there will be a reception in millbrae where william j. started his senior year in high school. the house expected to vote on a bill that would require energy officials to report or ill spills gas leaks and other incidents within an hour of them happening. energy officials say the more time than that and the rush could lead to false alarms. the energy inner energy is under scrutiny. the house is expected to vote later today. a federal judge in san was a expected to make a decision on whether not to resume executions in our states after nearly five years appeared saying clinton officials say the state's recently refurbished death chamber will be ready next week if the judge lifts the moratorium on capital punishment. this is video this
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week taken of the new chamber. coming up on kron 4 morning as we are following all hot spot at a vallejo sod fell underneath highway 80 creating quite a mess it should be there for the next hour or so jackies as well as on the scene we will have an update in a few moments. our real national pastime?
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. busy office then calworkers have been at 1-800disrespecting lunch. and it's time someone did something about it.
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no need to be nervous. we're here to help. these are healthy choice fresh mixers and marie callender's homestyle creations. these guys actually allow you to prepare meals fresh. think of them as the lunchbox of the future. that's the sound of fresh taste. the noodles are separate from the sauce, but they desperately want to become friends. you cook the pasta, you strain it, you mix in the sauce, you'll find them in the canned pasta or soup aisle. did you hear me? the canned pasta or soup aisle. respect lunch!
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our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that.
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grease on his back ! i totally missed it, another shirt ruined. good thing the expertise of spray n' wash is combined with the power of resolve in our new in wash stain remover. only resolve has stainseekers. just treat the stains you see and add to the wash for the ones you miss. the stainseekers will find, penetrate and lift away the toughest stains. trust resolve. forget stains.
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under of vallejo these are live pictures officers on the scene
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this after an overturned big rig was towed. this happened around 4:00 this morning. they're trying to remove the solid getting traffic moving through that area we understand all that stuff should be removed in about 40 minutes. we will have another live report in about 10 minutes. speaking of traffic let's go to eric back. >> hot spot at a vallejo we are not seeing a back up right now because it is early in the morning but we are dealing with road closure spirit as we take that closer look. it overturned here. the big red toad 10 minutes ago but the westbound 80 is still closed as well as
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eastbound 37 connector to columbus. they estimate the will and that about 6:00 a.m. we will follow with intel then appeared no back up the we are dealing with road closures. no problem at the bay bridge toll plaza traffic moving well for the city no problems from any approach the good drive times for you about eight minutes from the foot of the maze approaching fremont. metering lights still offer itself taking a look at your ride through san mateo no problems in either direction of 92 those taillights headed in the new direction towards foster city tracking 13 minutes from one into the other quick look at the golden gate bridge no problems for years of bound ride traffic moving at the limit. 5:19 a.m. let's check gone the hot spot in the whether department. >> there are so many hot spots in the whether department it's
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hard to keep track. next week will bring this triple digits. this weekend will be much warmer than what we deal with today. this is the first day that that he waved does kick off. the weekend will bring it up to 92 today in some locations so warmer than yesterday and breezy into the afternoon but clear conditions. that continues in your saturday, sunday as well proper '90s for saturday, sunday around the bay we will keep it in the '80s warming it up to the mid to upper 80s by your sunday along the coast upper 60s. the weekend low 70's at much of the beaches. by the 10:00 hour we could get into the '70s as early as 10:00 a.m. so will be cooked warm today by noon time of the orange shows as 80 cities bay and the livermore valley. by your afternoon your
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3:00 four-o'clock all the red showing new where read this season 90s today we are not to swing the '80s we are bringing in nine pieces on a veranda complement 89% rosa a flirting with 90 getting close to it we could reach 90 in sonoma and airfield as well as the the peninsula of freeing up for '70s down and 2 palo alto east bay sally andrew 8685 for hayward union city and fremont castro valley could be 87 today. right through the inland the valleys 92 for danville same through this san ramon valley, san santa clara valley in the '80s we will get in to 91 in morgan hill today. your 70 around the bay highlights the warming trend lots of sun and hot monday. >> new details the man accused
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of raping and kidnapping j.c.. there is been doubts about confidence and they may say that he is mentally incompetent to stand trial. new details on the budget battle the governor's office has announced it has closer to lawmakers to close the $19 billion deficit. that after six hours of talks yesterday this is the 86 the date they have worked without a budget. both sides say they will work through the weekend to have an agreement by next week. senator barbara boxer has widened her lead. a poll shows
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boxer is a leading 40 per 7 to 41% the poll surveyed 857 registered voters and has a margin of error of 4.1. boxer began running advertisements september 13th. the arena did not launch for first at into yesterday. a new poll says american still the same way about democrats as they do republicans and they don't like either. 60 percent disapprove of the job democrats are doing but 68 percent frowned on how they perform. 59 aren't happy about the way they are democrats are handling the economy and 64 percent are unhappy with reps on
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the economy. registered voters divide evenly over which parties candidate they support. coming up much more whether traffic and news including a hot spot we are following where they're working to clean that up. we will have a live report from kron 4 start is the sole and just a few moments.
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a comeback to a morning news have been friendly and happy temperatures we will warming up into the low 90s in some of them were inland spots this warm up today san francisco upper '70's then up birdies for santa rosa and the south bay mountain view 83, 86 san jose, temperatures warming up more through the weekend will will tell you when to expect triple digits coming up. >> great weather here but bad weather minnesota. video out of minnesota heavy rainfall causing flooding in the area that car parked in the driveway that is the pickup truck by you concede they are trying to keep the water out of their homes in southern minnesota yesterday several people traveling where water basically cover the
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street. it covered homes cornfields and businesses there's hundreds of homes evacuate it. thousands of sandbags to the worst hit areas. coming up a new report talking about this san bruno gas line explosion and what leaders are doing about that details would come back. a live look at a vallejo the are tracking a hot spot. sewage fees along the st. live report in just a few moments. this is your captain speaking,
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we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. with the most customized piece of furniture you will ever own. get that one piece right and the rest of the room will just fall into place. see your ethan allen design center for two beautiful ways to save. i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options, i can find the combination that gets me there and back quickest.
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where you book matters. expedia. greg deterrence overturns on 80 chp still here jackie's sicily's there with the very latest. >> the big red has been upgraded and taken l caltrans is trying
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to start the cleanup process there is diesel that spilled on the roadway is started at 230 this morning of a big rig was traveling westbound on 80 trying to take these bound exit speed and running a stop sign took him into that underpass. lanes have been close since. the spell and 37 to columbus parkway. has been closed as well. they're dealing with diesel they have see lots of sought to remove. at this point i don't see a vehicle to clean up the sod. if we don't see some sort of machinery to get the saw pick up soon we might have to extend. >> you think it will be 6:00?
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>> it's not looking like it there still ladislaus its 5:30 a.m. this will take machinery to movement. rain now we don't see any material yet. >> thank you jack uses saliva on the scene telling us exactly when it will reopen to the commuters feared let's send it to erica with bay area roads. >> at a vallejo is still hot spot. jackie's this'll said it happened that a truck has been cleared from the scene but the road closures are in fact. 80 ramp close right now as well as the spill 37 to columbus parkway also sought is on the road even note that truck is gone. they said six this morning
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but they updated it till 7:00 a.m. this morning. on to bay area with traffic and no problems at the toll plaza building of the right now about moving well coming from all approaches to an amazing fremont street san francisco clocking in at 8 minutes. some retail no problems in either direction definitely moving at the limit. quite at the golden gate bridge a few cars south on commute novato into the city limits 23 minutes right now quick look at crosstown traffic 1 0180 split towards san francisco airport 15 minutes right now. eastbound to lower deck of the bay bridge a nice easy ride. 5:34 a.m. the
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check gone forecast. >> good-looking forecast we are warming up to date for a shot of all muckrake clear shot not dealing with fog 51 degrees by noontime we should jump up into the upper 80s are afternoon highs breaking into the 90s today 91 back down to low 80s by the 8:00 a.m.. warming up quickly today at 10:00 a.m. we could see some '70s work their way into the area by noontime warming it up into the '70s and '80s afternoon highs brings us '90s out there all the red through the delta and livermore valley indicates we will talk about into the 90s today your numbers coming in close to 9694 sonoma through the air field as well, repair the field and san rafael, along the peninsula 78 degrees the beaches will keep us
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in the '60s and '70s these bay ranging from opera '70s into the '80s. 85 that, no. for hayward and fremont. san ramon valley low 90s same with antioch, livermore south bay 83 nice weather and monday today hears 7 day around the bay highlighting a warmer trend much warmer this weekend lots of sunshine and upper 90s in fact and it will be hot monday. 101 degrees it does not look like fall. >> out of san bruno gas line explosion new details about possible cause the behind the explosion the chronicle is reporting micro gases may cause corrosion. that includes a
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portion that ran through the san bruno neighborhood september 9th. pipe corrosion experts say microbes can lie dormant for years before spree to life at the bottom of a pipe and going to work on the metal. crews will work today taking on the task of cleaning up the san bruno neighborhood where the explosion destroyed dozens of homes and killed seven people. christine falling shows the work. >> in san bruno the cleanup has begun kurds are focusing on one property at a time. they ask evader has been digging it can be all the way they're worried there could be toxic chemical in the ash your taking precautions wind down the area to make sure does not fly up also monitoring the air quality than ever the cleanup is expected to take three-four weeks. >> warriors' new head coach will
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offer his condolences and advice to those displaced smart has some firsthand knowledge of what it's like that's because in 1995 his neighborhood nearly 30 homes destroyed by the fire smart will talk to the families tonight that this chamber knows recreation center about how to rebound and rebuilding lives. the governor and leaders have reached a framework of an agreement to solve the state budget crisis if it can be reached it takes two-thirds vote in carmen takes a look at its get not getting paid because of >> the >> state comptroller estimates since july 1st the state has failed to pay $6.5 billion to the lack of budget. public schools are not being paid for special education, community colleges are not being paid for nurses or faculty. college students are not getting
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cal grants. legislators are not being paid and neither are their staff small businesses that provide food for prisons or office supplies not being paid. community health clinics are not being reimbursed needy families in the final stage of the state's welfare to work program are not being paid for trout care. when lawrence to lease office space to the state are also not been paid. finally a handful of caltrans projects have been delayed because there is no state budget. after 90 days of nonpayment the credit- card could also be act deactivated that credit card is used to purchase goods and services like toilet paper for parks. that means this could run out sometime in october if there is no budget. >> coming up i will tell you about a tragedy out of seattle.
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on hot spot in vallejo or chp officers are busy removing soft.
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and it's time someone did something about it. no need to be nervous. we're here to help. these are healthy choice fresh mixers and marie callender's homestyle creations. these guys actually allow you to prepare meals fresh. think of them as the lunchbox of the future. that's the sound of fresh taste.
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the noodles are separate from the sauce, but they desperately want to become friends. you cook the pasta, you strain it, you mix in the sauce, you'll find them in the canned pasta or soup aisle. did you hear me? the canned pasta or soup aisle. respect lunch!
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the first woman in five years has been as executed. she was convicted of bombing range in murders of her stepson and husband over an insurance payment. both gunman were sentenced to life in prison one committed suicide in 2006. 7000 pleas to stop the execution supporters claim she lacked the knowledge to mastermind the killings and she was manipulated by one of the gunman. of quadruple shooting at a seattle home the woman who fatally shot three people and herself yesterday afternoon was a grandmother she killed her son-
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in-law and and two granddaughters and then wounded her daughter who is trying to escape the wounded woman was taken toward hospital and was reported in serious condition. coming up on the morning news much whether traffic in news alive look at vallejo they are making some progress on an overturned turned back greg. we will get an update in just a few moments to let you know when that will start flowing freely underneath.
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following all hot spot out of vallejo this odd truck been towed away. on the middle of your screen there about 2:30 a.m. a big rig overturned spilling sought on the roadway underneath highway 80 it will be a while probably 6:30 a.m.
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before they clear the situation traffic flowing we will have another record court in just a few moments. speaking of traffic let's send it to erica with bay area weather. >> the traffic department we are keeping a close eye on this hot spot right now taking a closer look at the map still a hot spot because we're not seeing delays right now but the westbound 80 ramps is still closed as well as ease down 37 connector ramp taking a closer look at jackie shot it in see the big rig has been moved so we are waiting on caltrans to get rid of the sod. an estimated time of about 7:00 a.m. this morning we will follow that closely. no problems at the toll plaza traffic building just a bit uneasy conditions for your westbound ride meter and light still offering nasa tracking about eight minutes from the foot of the maze or
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purging fremont streets in francisco. no problems around 92 right now san mateo bridge you can see the tail lights headed in the document direction 13 minutes from one and to the other still quiet at the golden gate bridge traffic building but moving at the limit a quick peek at the south bay 1 01 and sent us a southbound traffic getting along just fine war company as you head northbound in the commute direction could drive times about 14 minutes from downtown san jose making your way toward santa clara. 5:40 a.m. hot spots outside let's look at >> it will be a really nice weekend forecast san mateo bridge and we are starting to warm up currently 53 degrees heading towards noon time copper '70s and today afternoon high could get into 81 in san mateo was in conditions and to low
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'70s by 8:00 a.m. your weekend forecast low 90s inland we could get breezy into the afternoon but clear conditions and sunshine. warming is up even more than that so we could jump up into the upper 90s keeping it in the '80s along the bay '70s for the cause of great beach weather. your afternoon highs 89 degrees 40 with 9087 in petaluma also novato along the peninsula lets 78 degrees in downtown severance is what today haiti's first-ever now down to be a on over to these bay alameda coming in and around 83. could warm up more than that into san ramon valley. 924 antioch, livermore, pleasanton as well the south bay temperatures coming in to the '80s and '90s. we want to show you a beached forecast santa
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cruz 84 degrees this weekend pescadero 72 half moon bay could come in around 74. los '70s right through ocean beach. raise could come in and around 73 today and the day the bay 70 this is for your saturday and sunday forecast. 7 day around the bay brings us lots of sun not just this weekend but into the week as well. monday could be the warmest day of the week bring as the temperature of 1 01. >> that is a hot spot i can live with. now with update on clipper card clutch we talked about the plot that allows computers to go through the gates without paying unique they can open been automatically with the motion sensor with people leaving. that's not the only
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problem with the new systems stanley roberts found out in this edition of people be given badly. how does this thing work? >> i told you about the glitches with muni's 30 million dollar clipper system. things like a simple wave of the hand anyone can access muni trains without the use of a clipper card, or fast pass. there is also the door opening glitch, where the gates get confused and stay opened allowing anyone access for free. now i have received new information regarding city wide problems related to the new clipper system. over at embarcadero station, one person using a fast pass can allow unlimited people to pass through the gates. over at pal station there has been complaints that the brand new gates got out of service often. it is a problem at castro as well because i found caution tape at the ready when the gates go down, and this gate #71-02 at castro station has gone down three different times on the same day. at the church street the gates opening and closing too slowly frustrate many riders. clipper has supplied this 866 number to station agents for any and all problems with the new fare gates. except the phone only works between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. monday through friday, and 6:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. on weekends, because we all know the clipper system never breaks down after- hours. and no one will answer the help desk if they are at lunch. something else i noticed. there are absolutely no exit signs so when riders try to leave the station, they get confused. i know as muni said with every system there will be some glitches. but $30 million,
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really. >> this thing is retarded. >> in san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. many writers have trouble
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getting used to the clipper card system some of them told us what they thought. >> is not efficient you have to buy tickets and cards. it's ridiculous. >> it doesn't seem to work from trying to get somewhere. >> i don't know it said $2 and then another screen said to 25 i didn't have a quarter. one machine is not taking cash. >> i was just trying to get a $4 round-trip ticket. >> nobody is willing to help you walk up to the many attendants and the judge shake their heads. >> any says when the gates are fixed it will make it easier to pay and harder to cheat. coming up we are following a hot spot at a vallejo heat heavy equipment is on the scene right now trying to remove this odd that fell from an overturned by greg under highway 84 report
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coming up [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp,
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carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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welcome back to kron 4 morning news. your shot of pleasanton's on and check out these temperatures 53 clear conditions no saga that by noon flirting with a '90s getting up to 92 for an afternoon high. we can't forecast brings warmer
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temperatures. >> good hot spot pleasanton bad hot spot vallejo after a big rig overturned kron 4 jackie sicily zooming in we will have a live report in a few moments on one that roadway will be cleared.
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